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Khmer New Year 2017, Angkor Sangkranta, Siem Reap

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Angkor Sangkranta is held to align with Khmer New Year that lasts for three days in the mid-April. Khmer New Year is celebrated to mark the end of harvesting season and the beginning of rainy season, during which farmers who dominate Cambodian society enjoy the fruits from their labors and get ready to enter the New Year based on Buddhist calendar. The event is aimed to strengthen the solidarity of Cambodian families, to preserve Cambodian traditions and customs, to show off Cambodian culture to the world, and to boost the tourism industry in Siem Reap, as up to a million tourists showed up in the province on the days of the event last year.

Angkor Wat Temple

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Angkor Wat, in its beauty and state of preservation, is unrivaled. Its mightiness and magnificence bespeak a pomp and a luxury surpassing that of a Pharaoh or a Shah Jahan, an impressiveness greater than that of the Pyramids, an artistic distinctiveness as fine as that of the Taj Mahal. Angkor Wat is located about six kilometers (four miles) north of Siem Reap, south of Angkor Thom. Entry and exit to Angkor Wat can only be access from its west gate.